4 Countries in 4 Weeks (August) — itchban

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Photography, filmmaking, social media, travel & technology by @itchban

4 Countries in 4 Weeks (August)

My august travel plans

Hi friends! I've been kind of absent / less active on my social media lately because I have been busy planning some exciting travel projects in the coming months. I've finally locked in the projects and booked the flights so I thought I'd take a minute to give you a quick update on my upcoming adventures! You can be sure I'll be on the Instagram stories non stop for the month of August so I'd love to have you follow along. 

1st stop: Japan

You all guessed it already when I asked on my Instagram. First stop for me is Japan. I know what you're thinking lol. I can't get enough of it tbh and I'm exploring the beautiful and (less frequented) northern Tohoku region with @visitjapanau for a few days. I've only ever been south of Tokyo so this should be something new for me (and hopefully you guys). I'll also have a few spare days in Tokyo toward the end of the trip so I'm keen to meet & shoot with you all if anyone is free. Come at me 7/11 snacks & Ichiran!

London, Venice, berlin & london

After Japan, I land in Sydney for a day and then am off to Europe - first stop London. Hopefully I'll have time to chuck my clothes in the wash before I fly out again! I'm heading over to Europe on a cool project, with an awesome client - details of this I'm not sure if I can share with you all yet. Be patient my friends - just know that it is something exciting and I can't wait to share with you the content that comes out of this Europe trip!

I'll be in London for 4 days, then off to Venice for 4, Berlin for 4, then back to London to chill for a few days before heading back to Sydney. It'll be my first time in Europe actually, so if any of you are from there, or have any tips for me - thing's I MUST DO/SEE, please leave me a comment below or via Instagram @itchban. I'm heading to Europe with a fellow Photographer & Filmmaker: Flo from @oftwolands so be sure to follow and check his feed out.

That's it for now. The best place to follow along will be my Instagram & Instagram stories so definitely check me out there!