Fullscreen Caller ID on The iPhone — itchban

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Fullscreen Caller ID on The iPhone

Fullscreen Caller ID on your Apple devices make it easy to immediately recognise who is calling.

Fullscreen Caller ID on your Apple devices make it easy to immediately recognise who is calling.

Hi friends! @itchban here. At some stage (iOS 7) Apple and it's design team decided to shrink the Contact Caller ID photo to a small cropped circle like the image below. Although it made the design look cleaner, it also made it harder to immediately recognise who was calling. 

Ugly iOS 7 small circle caller ID

Ugly iOS 7 small circle caller ID

How To Get Fullscreen Caller ID's On IOS 8

Great news though, you can now use fullscreen Caller ID back again on your iPhone & iPad by following these tips:

  1. Open the native Contacts App

  2. Find and select the contact you want to update to a fullscreen caller ID.

  3. Press the edit button in the top right of the contact card.

  4. Tap the edit button under the contacts profile image (top left of the screen)

  5. Select Choose Photo and select the appropriate image from your photo library.

A few conditions to make sure that the phone displays the fullscreen caller ID is to have the full-size image on your phone (in your camera roll). Also try to choose a portrait oriented image as these will display the best.

Hope this info helps!

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