Add an Arctic Expedition to your Bucket List! — itchban

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Photography, filmmaking, social media, travel & technology by @itchban

Add an Arctic Expedition to your Bucket List!

Arctic Visual Vibes (Ben Brown)

Hi friends! Can't believe I forgot to share this video with you all. I've been so obsessed with it that I just assumed you'd all have seen it already haha. I've literally watched it more than 20 times.

The first track is by Two Feet (a recent discovery of mine) which is super rad.

I think this is probably Ben's best visual vibe / cinematic to date. It is a visual feast of a location that few of us will ever get the chance to see in our lifetimes. I definitely want to do an Arctic Expedition some time in my life. Tickets are $25,000 a person (twin share only) haha.

You should also check out his Arctic daily vlog series on his channel if you liked this video.

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