Nike Month of Max x Demas Rusli BTS (video) Gear, Music & Videos, Photography, Social MediaBenjamin Lee16 May 2017NikeComment
I'm heading to Japan for a month! Photography, Social Media, TravelBenjamin Lee14 May 2017JapanComment
Gear Review: Fujifilm X-Pro2 Design & UX, Gear, PhotographyBenjamin Lee5 April 2017Gear Review Comments
A short, but intense film I made with the Fujifilm X-Pro2 Music & Videos, Photography, Social MediaBenjamin Lee28 February 2017Film, YouTubeComment
Drone Photography Feature Page: Sky Supply Co. Photography, Social MediaBenjamin Lee23 February 2017skysupplyComment
Visual Inspirations: Episode 023 Design & UX, Photography, Social Media, TravelBenjamin Lee19 February 2017Visual InspirationsComment